5 Technology Stocks to Target in 2020

Nearing the end of the year and the turn of the decade, Market Junkies will remember the 2010’s for one thing: breakthrough technologies.

At the forefront of the decade was the smartphone revolution, which has completely changed everything – from how we stay in touch with friends and family to how we get from point A to point B in major cities.

This decade has made obsolete terms like “hail a cab” and made a whole generation of Americans wonder where the origin of “hang up the phone” came from.

And for early investors in the smartphone revolution, this decade has been massively profitable.

And as we turn our calendars to 2020, these are the technologies that this next decade will be remembered for.

Here are 5 stock opportunities you should be paying close attention to.

1.) 2020's Stock of the Year: Big Data

You’ve probably heard the term “Big Data” before; after all, the concept has been around for years.

But you may be surprised to learn just how quickly this trend is changing the world…

New technologies like Artificial Intelligence, self-driving cars, smart homes, even 5G wireless networks, all rely on the evolution of “Big Data” to work.

And 2020 is expected to be a “tipping point” for this keystone technology.

Researchers are now calling Big Data “the new oil” and predict it to grow more than 18,767%, making it perhaps the greatest investment of the coming decade.

One company is about to blow nearly every other tech firm out of the water.  

As one investment analyst commented: “Its numbers are truly mind-blowing.”  

Thirty-one analysts recently gave this stock a massive buy/outperform rating…  

And it just triggered a fresh signal that indicates it could be about to explode in price.  

You see, this company holds more than 200 patents, and 500 more are pending in a technology that experts are calling “the new oil.”  

You won’t want to miss this.  

Click here now to see exactly why Ian King recommends this amazing company.

2.) Company Behind Newly-Revealed Device Is the #1 5G Stock of 2020

5G wireless is on the verge of taking over in the US.

1 in 10 Americans have access to 5G.

By year’s end, almost 100% of the country will be 5G capable.

And they will all need the device inside that box to use 5G…

Silicon Valley’s most connected angel investor, Jeff Brown, will share this device with the public for the first time.

And he’ll explain why the company behind this device is his Number One tech stock of 2020.

To tune in, and watch us reveal this brand-new device for free.

Click Here To Start Watching Now…

3.) This “Hidden” Stock Is Charlie Mizrahi's No. 1 Pick For 2020

If you can spot opportunities, long before the mainstream gets a hold of them, you have a chance to own a piece of those transcendent companies that change the way we live and work.

Case in point…

In 1998, Google released their new search algorithm. At the time, nobody really understood the significance of their breakthrough – let alone how big the company would become.

But those who did, and invested in their initial public offering in 2004, saw gains as high as 2,356%.

In other words, every $10,000 invested turned into $216,600.

Or look at Netflix. In 2007, they announced streaming video and the world couldn’t grasp why it was such a big deal. Now, people binge watch multiple seasons of TV shows like it’s their business.

And if you had invested at the very first announcement of streaming video, you could’ve made a whopping 7,607%.

Good enough to transform $10,000 into $770,700.

Of course, no one can guarantee gains as high as the ones seen from Google and Netflix, those are rare and exceptional examples.

Charles Mizrahi has just released a presentation detailing what could be the most disruptive company of our time.

And what’s even more interesting is that it all starts with the technology behind  boats like this right here…

In case you aren’t familiar, Charles is a retired money manager whose former clients includes behemoths like Goldman Sachs, Citigroup and Credit Suisse. They trusted him to manage their money for one simple reason: He has the uncanny ability to spot money-making opportunities from a hundred miles away.

That’s how he once managed to post a 113% return in a single year – and 313% over a three-year period.

This earned him the title of No. 1 money manager by Barron’s. And got him a spot on MarketWatch’s 10 Best Advisors.

Bottom line: When Charles talks about money-making opportunities, it’s in your best interest to pay attention. Go here now to see how to get details on his next game-changing recommendation.

#4: Tiny firm set to win race to deploy 5G

Technology: 5G (Again)

Nobody’s talking about the most significant piece of the 5G puzzle…

The web of networking cables crisscrossing the country that will bring information from all over the world right to your fingertips.

This is the backbone of America’s 5G network.

It simply can’t be built without those fiber-optic connections.

And there’s one company that literally owns this entire fiber network.

All of the wireless carriers and pretty much every big name in communication already have contracts in place with this company.

In fact, the ONLY cities in the entire country with 5G coverage are located right on this company’s fiber network.

Even the U.S. government is paying to get its secured communications on this critical piece of infrastructure.

Quite simply: This company owns more fiber networks than anyone else in America.

It is the critical piece for winning the race to deploy 5G.

And best of all, this company’s stock is trading around $10 a share.

But according to my research, you could be sitting on more than 600% profits after all’s said and done.

This company is leading the charge to 5G and could make early investors filthy rich.

Click here to get the name and ticker symbol.

5.) White House Memo Fast-Tracks Stock Market’s “Next Big Thing”

When the White House pushed its “energy dominance” doctrine, promising a “Golden Era of American Energy”…

Denver-based Whiting Petroleum jumped 178%, HollyFrontier Corporation tripled and Texas company Jones Energy jumped 320%.

When the government declared: “We will begin to revive and expand our nuclear energy sector…”

Shares of both International Isotopes and Lightbridge Corporation bounced more than 75% in a few months, and U.S. Nuclear Corporation returned 1,639%.

And on February 16, 2017, Resolution 38 was signed in support of the coal industry.

NACCO Industries – the public holding company for the North American Coal Corporation – responded with a 223% gain.

As you can see, the U.S. government has a long track record of triggering massive gains. Now a controversial new video reveals the White House’s newest priority – to roll out a radical technology.

On page 1 of a recent, official government memorandum, it states that “America must be first” in launching this innovation. One that Bloomberg confirms will “transform the way we live and work … and add trillions of dollars to the global economy every year.” And that experts are calling the “next big thing.”

In this special video presentation, you’ll find out why this technology could be the greatest stock market story of the decade.

To see it, simply click the play button below, or go here now.

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And this bull run is just getting started!

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Elon’s new AI venture promises to create 10 TIMES MORE American millionaires than Tesla did.
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The 3 Titans of AI

Get ready to join the AI revolution! The unstoppable rise of artificial intelligence AI is taking the world by storm, transforming industries and reshaping the future. Excitingly, numerous companies are diving headfirst into this cutting-edge technology, pouring massive investments into AI to revolutionize their products, slash costs, and gain an unbeatable edge over the competition.

But wait, there’s more! Through meticulous research and rigorous analysis, I’ve uncovered the crème de la crème of the AI world. These three mighty AI behemoths are the crown jewels of the market, primed to ride the surging tide of AI adoption across industries.

Imagine the thrill of being part of their phenomenal growth story! Brace yourself for the exciting journey ahead as you invest in these AI Titans—the vanguards of innovation, the masters of AI mastery. They are set to unlock unparalleled opportunities and immense value for savvy investors seeking long-term prosperity.

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The 3 Titans of AI

Get ready to join the AI revolution! The unstoppable rise of artificial intelligence AI is taking the world by storm, transforming industries and reshaping the future. Excitingly, numerous companies are diving headfirst into this cutting-edge technology, pouring massive investments into AI to revolutionize their products, slash costs, and gain an unbeatable edge over the competition.

But wait, there’s more! Through meticulous research and rigorous analysis, I’ve uncovered the crème de la crème of the AI world. These three mighty AI behemoths are the crown jewels of the market, primed to ride the surging tide of AI adoption across industries.

Imagine the thrill of being part of their phenomenal growth story! Brace yourself for the exciting journey ahead as you invest in these AI Titans—the vanguards of innovation, the masters of AI mastery. They are set to unlock unparalleled opportunities and immense value for savvy investors seeking long-term prosperity.

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Bill Gates is all about this tiny $2 stock

According to Bill Gates… This company is working on a unique technological innovation that is going to change the world as we know it.

Powerful companies like Microsoft, Intel, and Google are all quietly racing to be at the forefront of this new phenomenon…

But it’s this tiny company who holds the keys to what could be a $7 Trillion Revolution…

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Free Access to Chaikin Analytics

Marc Chaikin has developed a system  over the past 50 years…

A website that shows you which stocks could soon rise by 100% or more, by typing in any of 4,000 tickers.

Today, he’s allowing me to offer you free access to the system here, as part of a major new prediction he’s making.

Enter your email for access, and get his free recommendation.

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Amazon Price Prediction

Should investors be looking to buy or sell?
Sign up below for our in-depth review & price prediction on Amazon.

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Apple Price Prediction

Should investors be looking to buy or sell?
Sign up below for our in-depth review & price prediction on Apple.

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Nvidia Price Prediction

Should investors be looking to buy or sell?
Sign up below for our in-depth review & price prediction on Nvidia.

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How to Collect "Amazon Royalty" Payouts Before the Deadline

Thanks to a little-known IRS loophole, regular Americans can collect up to $28,544 (or more) in payouts from what is called “Amazon’s secret royalty program”…
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New "Forever Battery" making gas cars obsolete​

Sign up to get the name of the stock that’s predicted to power every single EV on the planet.

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New EV Set to Disrupt Entire Industry

The Wall Street Journal calls it “an American manufacturing triumph.” – Will this disrupt the entire $1.3 trillion EV boom?

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Tiny TSLA Supplier To Soar

Sign up below for details on Project X and your first FREE report, The #1 EV Stock of 2023 from Market Junkie.

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Own This Texas Oil Stock Today

Texas Oil Stock to Benefit from Surging Gas Prices. Reveal the ticker by signing up below and you’ll receive ongoing updates from Market Junkie.

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Up to 20,000 IPOs All in One Day

A radical $2.1 quadrillion shift is coming to the financial markets.

Some are calling it G.T.E. and Mark Cuban, Elon Musk, Richard Branson, and even banks like J.P. Morgan are invested in the tech behind it.

Just $25 could get you in alongside these billionaires. 

Enter your email address to receive the video that reveals it all.

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53-cent Biotech Stock with $2 Price Target

Steve Cohen, the billionaire stock picker known for running one of the most successful hedge funds ever, has poured millions into the first stock, and it’s trading for only 53 cents.

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